Our offer


Examination rooms

Our premises are located on the campus of the University Hospital Basel in Bettanhaus 3 at Schanzenstrasse 55. We offer nine examination rooms for the care and treatment of study participants. These are equipped with examination chairs or optionally with patient beds, so that inpatient care overnight and at weekends is also possible. Medical equipment such as infusomats, perfusors, ECG machines and blood pressure monitors are available on site.

All rooms are equipped with a PC with access to the hospital's internal computer network and are connected to the central emergency service via an emergency call system. If required, study participants can be provided with meals from the hospital kitchen.

The Pediatric Research Center (Pädiatrisches Forschungszentrum, PFZ) at the University Children's Hospital Basel (UKBB) has a specially trained team to conduct selected clinical studies with children and adolescents. The PFZ is part of the Swiss PedNet network of pediatric research centers throughout Switzerland.

ASZ Laboratories

Laboratory equipment

Our laboratory rooms offer pipetting areas, centrifuges and sufficient space for medication preparation and sample processing. Routine consumables are available and can be freely provided to the research groups.

Medical equipment includes ECG machines from Schiller and Mortara, infusomats, a perfusor, blood pressure devices and weight scales. All equipment is regularly serviced by the hospital's own medical technology department.

We also provide all relevant standard operating procedures (SOPs) so that research groups can conduct their studies in compliance with the law and are well prepared for Swissmedic inspections.

ASZ refrigerators

Temperature-controlled interim storage

We provide sufficient space for the storage of study medication and samples of all kinds at room temperature, in the refrigerator or in freezers (-20º C and -80º C). All refrigerators are connected to the hospital's internal alarm system and are equipped with a recording device from which the research groups receive a monthly printout.

Blood samples can be processed directly on site. Five partially mobile centrifuges are provided for this purpose, so that it is also possible to process samples directly in the examination room. Crash ice for sample cooling and dry ice for intermediate storage of the samples are available. The ASZ is connected to the Department of Laboratory Medicine by pneumatic tube so that samples can be sent directly.

We have two laboratory rooms for the preparation of medication (see above).

Support for study teams

Anyone wishing to use the Outpatient Study Centre is introduced to all processes and the use of the equipment by our On Site Management team. Our standards correspond to the current regulations for quality assurance and all official requirements.

If desired, our team can also support you and your study team in the planning and conduct of your study. Our trained staff will take over the entire, partial or deputy activities within your study.

Contact us

Schanzenstrasse 55, 2nd floor
CH-4031 Basel

Phone +41 61 328 77 09