SSR - Swiss Stroke Registry

The Swiss Stroke Register (SSR) has been managing standardized data from patients with acute stroke, cerebral hemorrhage and other cerebrovascular diseases since 2014. Numerous research projects have been derived from its data pool.

The Swiss Stroke Registy (SSR) was mandated by the Schweizerische Hirnschlaggesellschaft (SHG). All hospitals certified in stroke therapy in Switzerland are connected to the SSR and provide data from patients suffering from stroke. To date, around 112'000 cases have been registered in the SSR. More than 10'000 cases are added annually.

The registry is one of the most comprehensive platforms for multicenter research projects conducted throughout Switzerland. The aim is to continuously improve the quality of stroke therapy and the nationwide coordination of therapeutic care.

The registry is coordinated by Prof. Mira Katan, Head Physician Neurology and Head of the Stroke Unit at the University Hospital Basel (USB).


As of November 2023

10 Stroke Centres and 16 Stroke Units or Network Hospitals

Key data
- 112'000 cases
- 8 sub-projects

DKF support
Statistics, Daten Management, Data Science, Data Centre

More informationen
SHG webseite

Integrated research projects

Due to the extensive data available at the SSR, a large number of research projects can be derived from the registy. Main topics are:

  • Thrombolysis & Thrombectomy
  • Bleeding
  • Development of biomarkers
  • Health Services Research

Third-party funds

  • Schweizerische Hirnschlaggesellschaft (SHG)
  • Schweizerische Herzstiftung



    Principal Investigator Swiss Stroke Registry

    Prof. Dr. med. Mira Katan

    Head Physician Neurology and Head of Stroke Unit, University Hospital Basel
    Research group leader, Departement of Clinical Research, University of Basel


    Data Centre / Support DKF

    Nicole Bruni, PhD

    Senior Data Scientist, Departement of Clinical Research, University of Basel
