Thursday, 6 February 2025
11.15 - 17.15

University Hospital Basel, Kleiner Hörsaal, Zentrum für Lehre und Forschung (ZLF)

Congratulations to all prize winners!

Best presentations

1st prizeAlex BrehmEndovascular treatment for medium and small vessel occlusion stroke
2nd prizeJulia BielickiEffect of adjunct oral betamethasone to clinical stabilisation and risk of rehospitalisation in children with community-acquired pneumonia
3rd prizeLaura PotassoTargeted correction of plasma sodium in hospitalized patients – the HIT study


Best rapid fire presentations

1st prizeChiara MinottiKangaroo care to reduce mortality, sepsis and invasive infection in low-birthweight infants
2nd prizeJil ChevaillerFood-induced cortisol drives energy in adipose tissue
3rd prizeShaumiya SellathuraiRetinal neuronal loss and serum glial fibrillary acidic protein as additive markers of disability in Multiple Sclerosis


Best poster presentations

1st prizeSven LustenbergerUrea-stimulated copeptin: A new test for diagnosing vasopressin deficiency
2nd prizeAnita AltstädtIn healthy adolescents, a daily additional sucrose consumption of 25 g impairs glycemic control after 5 weeks in contrast to erythritol
3rd prizeLolita MatiashovaNasal exposure to a volatile odour-based compound enhances resting energy expenditure and body temperature in humans



Petra Michels
Administrative Assistant
Phone +41 61 328 77 17