February 15, 2022
Annemarie Karrasch Research Award 2022
Prof. Viola Heinzelmann-Schwarz is awarded by Stiftung propatient for her multicenter MATAO study in advanced ovarian cancer.
The foundation particularly honors research and innovation projects that can demonstrate a high direct benefit for affected patients. In case of the MATAO study, the benefit lies in the research of a endocrine therapy's effect using an aromatase inhibitor. The aim is to investigate whether maintenance therapy with the aromatase inhibitor letrozole after standard treatment can improve the survival rates of patients with advanced ovarian cancer.
The award was presented at the Clinical Research Day 2022 by foundation board member Prof. Gerhard Christofori and executive director Dr. Caroline Roggo.
Further information

MAintenance therapy with aromatase inhibitor (letrozole) for patients with epithelialovarian cancer: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled phase III study including LOGOS
(LOwGradeOvariancancer Sub-study) (ENGOT-ov54/Swiss-GO-2)
Principal Investigator
Prof. Viola Heinzelmann-Schwarz
Study design
International, multicenter, randomised clinical trial
Study centers
At least 20 in Switzerland, more planned in other European countries
Number of planned patients
Project duration
since 2020
DKF support
Methodological consulting, statistics, regulatory affairs, data management, data science, monitoring,
project management
various foundations, industry partners and organisations