25 May 2022
A broad range of support for clinical research groups
Even study teams with small budgets can benefit from the support offered by DKF Scientific Services.
The Department of Clinical Research (DKF) Scientific Services offer support services for all phases of a clinical research project. Subject matter expertise ranges from study design to publication and across all types of human research. However, the cost of services can become a financial hurdle for smaller study teams.
In order to nevertheless be able to support all research groups efficiently, a number of free-of-charge offers are available thanks to financial grants from the Medical Faculty Basel and, to some extend, via job transfers from the University Hospital Basel. In addition, the possibilities for low-threshold assistance have recently been greatly expanded.
Consulting is always free-of-charge
No matter whether it is about a drug, medical device or other clinical trial, a cohort project or research with routine data: Consultation sessions on all questions related to such projects by an interdisciplinary team of experts from DKF Scientific Services are free-of-charge for all interested parties. Together, the necessary measures for a successful implementation of the planned project are worked out.
Much more is free-of-charge for DKF research groups
From sample size calculation and database creation with REDCap® to setting up a professional quality management system or the use of the Outpatient Study Center (ASZ): Numerous offers are free-of-charge for the more than 130 DKF research groups.
Free study registration for all at the USB
All prospective studies at the University Hospital Basel must be reported in the public regisry ClinicalTrials.gov. The registration as well as the maintenance of study data in the registry over the entire course of the study is handled by members of the DKF Regualtory Affairs team for all researchers at the USB, regardless of your status as a DKF research group.
Tips and support
Guidance on study submission to the Ethics Committee with prior review by members of the DKF Regulatory Affairs team, induction of new study nurses, guided set-up of a quality management system: these are all examples of the numerous services offered to help study teams with a small budget to move forward quickly and efficiently with their research project.
Contacting DKF Scientific Services pays off for clinical researchers in any case. In a personal discussion, we will clarify which support for a targeted research project fits into the available budget, to what extent, and under which conditions.

Free-of-charge consultation

Free-of-charge for DKF research groups