/ J Am College of Cardiology

Rhabdomyolysis: A Noncardiac Source of Increased Circulating Concentrations of Cardiac Troponin T?

Giger RD, du Fay de Lavallaz J, Prepoudis A, Stoll T, Lopez-Ayala P, Glarner N, Boeddinghaus J, Puelacher C, Nestelberger T, Mueller C.

J Am Coll Cardiol. 2020 Dec 1;76(22):2685-2687.
doi: 10.1016/j.jacc.2020.08.088.

This study deals with rhabdomyolysis as an in vivo model for acute skeletal muscle cell injury and its role as a possible non-cardiac cause of cardiac troponin T elevation. It shows that acute skeletal muscle disease or injury, in contrast to chronic skeletal muscle disease/damage, is not a relevant non-cardiac cause of systemic cardiac troponin T concentration. This is an important finding for myocardial infarction diagnostics.