13 July 2021
Successfull SNSF IICT grant application
The call for Investigator-initiated Clinical Trials (IICTs) is launched once a year. In 2021 seven out of 31 projects submitted were considered.
The research groups of Marios-Nikos Psychogios, Head of diagnost. and interv. Neuroradiology at the University Hospital Basel (USB) and Urs Fischer, designated Head of Neurology at the USB as of August 2021, will receive SNSF funding for their DISTAL study on endovascular therapy for stroke.
The aim of the study is to investigate whether endovascular therapy can prevent disability in patients with stroke and occlusion of a medium-sized cerebral artery. As a minimally invasive procedure, this therapeutic approach would represent a new treatment perspective for many affected individuals and could contribute to a significant reduction in the burden of disease.
The study is being conducted by the Neuroradiology team in collaboration with Prof. Urs Fischer, the new Head of the Department of Neurology at the USB and his team, and in collaboration with the Department of Clinical Research (DKF), which supports the study with its services in the areas of methodology, statistics, regulatory affairs, data management, project management and monitoring. Further Swiss university hospitals are also involved.

"This study underlines Switzerland's claim to leadership in stroke research within and outside Europe."
Marios-Nikos Psychogios, Head of diagnost. and interv. Neuroradiology, USB
For the first time, representatives of patients and the public were included in the evaluation. By means of a call for proposals, the SNSF sought candidates for this collaboration at the end of 2020. The four selected individuals all have many years of experience in representing the interests of patients and in the dialogue between society and research.

EnDovascular therapy plus best medical treatment (BMT) versus BMT alone for MedIum VeSsel Occlusion sTroke - a prAgmatic, international, multicentre, randomized triaL (DISTAL)
Principal Investigators
Prof. Marios-Nikos Psychogios, Head of diagnost. and interv. Neuroradiology, and Prof. Urs Fischer, Head of Neurology, USB as of August 2021
Study design
International, multicentre, pragmatic, randomised clinical trial
Study centres
At least 20 in Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, Portugal, Spain, Finland and Israel
Planned patients
Project duration
DKF support
Methodological consulting, Statistics, Regulatory Affairs, Data Management, Monitoring, Project Management