Our offer

Research question and study design

We can help you to pinpoint your research questions and select the appropriate endpoints and study design. In addition, we perform a feasibility analysis to identify potential pitfalls in your study and provide a rough estimation of the study’s required size.

Sample size calculation and appropriate statistical methods

Sample size calculation is one of our cormpetencies. We develop a rough analysis plan for assessing the primary endpoint and perform a sample size calculation on the basis of the existing estimates. We do not simply present you with a number, but also provide a detailed description of how we derived it. Finally, we write the corresponding sections of the study protocol.

Analysis plan

We provide a detailed statistical analysis plan for all primary and secondary analyses, including descriptions of how the results will be presented. Pre-planning analyses is crucial to avoid bias.

Our expertise covers a wide range of statistical methods and machine learning tools:

Interim analyses and Data Safety Monitoring Board

While your study is running, we follow along and consult you on any issues that may arise. We carry out any pre-planned interim analyses and can provide an independent statistician on the data safety and monitoring board.

Final analyses, presentation of results and publication

After closing the database, we typically conduct a series of consistency checks on the data. Following this, we prepare the data, if necessary, in multiple steps, for the planned analyses and perform these according to the analysis plan. We present the results in tables and figures and support you in interpreting the findings and describing the applied methods.

As co-authors of resulting manuscripts, we take responsibility for drafting the statistical sections, provide publication-ready tables and figures, and address all reviewer comments and queries related to the statistics.


Do you need personal advice on statistical and methodological aspects of your project?

Visit our free-of-charge
statistics consultation hour:

Do you want to refresh your knowledge about statistics?

We have some definitions and references for you here.

View overview

Are you interested in statistical tools?

The SCTO statistics platform provides a collection of useful resources.

Go to website

Are you looking for scientific evidence on research methodology?

LIGHTS is a public library for methods guidance papers.

Go to LIGHTS library

  • Statistics consultation

    Without appointment (walk-in)
    Mon-Fri 12.30-13.30, Spitalstr. 12

    With appointment
    Make an appointment
  • Sample size calculation and feasibility check

How to reach us

Further information

A subject close to our hearts ...

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p-Wert Gruppenfoto

From left to right: Marco Cattaneo, Laura Werlen, Michael Coslovsky and Deborah Vogt