New online coures: GCP Refresher

The swissethics approved GCP (Good Clinical Practice) Refresher course offerd by the DKF is prepared in English and can be completed fully online. It is available free-of-charge for members of DKF clinical research groups and medical students at the University of Basel.

Swissethics, the Swiss Association of Research Ethics Committees, defined requirements for GCP Refresher courses. The Department of Clinical Reserach (DKF) developed a respective online course where participants have the opportunity to study the contents in a flexible time frame and at their own pace. With completion of the course participants will aquire a certificate recognized by swissethics.

The internationally recognized guideline on Good Clinical Practice (ICH GCP E6) was implemented into Swiss legislation (Human Reserach Act, HRA) and focuses on ethical and scientific aspects in the conduct of clinical trials. swissethics recommends that after basic training on GCP (available at "Investigator" or "Sponsor-Investigator" level) the knowledge is maintained through regular research activities, research-related training, or GCP refresher courses. The Ethics Committee may also request a researcher to provide renewed evidence when submitting a project. Often industry sponsors also require that study personnel in study centres undergo regular training in GCP.

GCP Refresher

Duration: approx. 3 hours

Start: possible at any time

Costs: CHF 200
Free-of-charge for members of DKF clinical research groups and medical students at the University of Basel

This new GCP refresher course provided by the DKF is free-of-charge for DKF clinical research groups and medical students at the University of Basel. As the first course in English, it adds to the DKF's various training courses on GCP: GCP Basiskurs, GCP Aufbaukurs and Update Seminars (all in german only).

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