Prof. Andreas
Zeller; MD
Institute Director
University Center for Family Medicine
Phone +41 61 925 20 76
Research Group Andreas Zeller
Research Focus
Immunology & Infectious Diseases
Area of Research
Research in primary care setting, specifically on hypertension, cardiovascular primary and secondary prevention and end of life care
Approved Research Projects
"Oral corticosteroids for post-infectious cough in adults: A double-blind randomised placebo-controlled trial in Swiss family practices (OSPIC)"
Authors: Jörg Leuppi, Christoph Merlo, Stefan Essig Benjamin Speich, Lars G. Hemkens
Project number: 33IC30_185592 (P3: Start 2018, PI: Andreas Zeller
"Implementation of an integrated community-based care program for home-dwelling senior
citizens (INSPIRE)"
Swiss National Science Foundation. Start 2019, Role Zeller A: Co-investigator; PI Mike Deschodt.
"Nurse-led care models in Swiss nursing homes: improving interdisciplinary care for better
resident outcomes (INTERCARE)"
Institut für Pflegewissenschaft Universität Basel Hochschule Universität Basel - BS, Hauptdisziplin Geriatrie. Start 2017, Role Zeller A: Co-investigator; PI: Michael Simon.
"Determinants of vaccine hesitancy and under-immunization with childhood and Human
Papilloma Virus vaccines in Switzerland"
Medizinische Universitätsklinik Kantonsspital Bruderholz Hochschule Universität Basel - BS
Hauptdisziplin Infektionskrankheiten, Role Zeller A: Co-investigator; PI: Tarr Philip.
"Establishing a nationwide collection of medical routine data in primary care - expanding
the FIRE project"
Institut für Hausarztmedizin Universitäts-Spital Zürich Universität Zürich Hochschule Universität Zürich - ZH Hauptdisziplin Die Gesundheit und ihre Infrastruktur. Start 2017. Role Zeller A: Co-investigator; PI: Chmiel Corinne.
"Glucocorticoid withdrawal and glucocorticoid-induced adrenal insufficiency: a randomized
controlled multicenter trial (TOAAST)"
Forschungseinrichtung Medizinische Universitätsklinik Kantonsspital Bruderholz, Universität Basel Hochschule Universität Basel - BS Hauptdisziplin Klinische Endokrinologie, Start 2017, Role Zeller A: Co-investigator PI: Rutishauser Jonas.
"Routine antibiotic prescription and resistance monitoring in primary care physicians: A
nationwide pragmatic randomized controlled trial"
Forschungseinrichtung Institut für klinische Epidemiologie Universitätsspital Basel Hochschule, Universität Basel - BS Hauptdisziplin Infektionskrankheiten, Role Zeller A: Co-investigator; PI: Heiner Bucher.
National Collaborations
- Institutes of Primary Health Care in Switzerland: University of Zurich, Bern, Lausanne, Geneva, Lucerne
- Institute of Nursing Science, University of Basel
- Departement für Sport, Bewegung und Gesundheit (DSBG), University of Basel
- Department of Urology, University of Basel
- Department of General Internal Medicine, Liestal, University of Basel
- Department of Health, Kanton of Basel-Land and Basel-City
- Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (SwissTPH)
- Federal Office for Public Health, Swiss Confederation, Bern (BAG)
International Collaborations
- Professor Alastair D Hay, Centre for Academic Primary Care, University of Bristol, United Kingdom (consultancy role of Prof. Hay), regarding the OSPIC Trail
Ongoing Research Projects
Quality and Outcome of Diabetes Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Switzerland
Loneliness and mental well-being in the elderly population (INSPIRE project Basel-Landschaft)
Development and implementation of an ADVANced Practice Nurse-led interprofessional
Transitional cAre model for frail GEriatric adults (AdvantAGE)
Colon Cancer Screening of the Canton of Basel-Stadt (Krebsliga beider Basel)
CAUTIon – catheter-associated urinary tract infection online survey among GPs of the Sentinella network
Research Team
Laura Diaz-Hernandez; PhD
Scientific physician
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