Prof. Dr. med.
Isabel Filges
Medical Director, Medical Genetics
Head Medical Genetics Diagnostic Laboratory
University Hospital Basel
Phone +41 61 265 36 20
Research Group Isabel Filges
Research Focus
Endocrinology, Metabolism & Developmental Disorders
Area of Research
Clinical genomics of congenital developmental disorders
Approved Research Projects
- Massively parallel sequencing for gene discovery in lethal fetal disorders
- The Fetal-ome landscape
- Phenotype-genotype correlations and the natural history of arthrogryposis
National Collaborations
- Prof. B Mosimann, Obstetrics and Prenatal Medicine, University of Basel
- Prof.Dr. P. Tschopp, Evolutionary Biology, University of Basel
- Prof. Dr. B. Elger, Institute for Biomedical Ethics, University of Basel
- Prof.Dr. S.Tercanli and Dr.A. Kang, Ultraschallpraxis Freie Strasse, Basel, and University of Basel
- Prof. A. Rauch, Medical Genetics, University of Zürich
- Prof. C.Zweier, Human Genetics, Inselspital Bern
International Collaborations
- Prof. T. Attié-Bittach, Service de Médecine Génomique des Maladies Rares, Hôpital Necker-Enfants Malades, ERN-Ithaka, Fetal Medicine working group
- Prof. P. Robinson, Professor and Roux Chair, Genomics and Computational Biology, The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine , Human phenotype ontology
- International consortium for arthrogryposis and fetal akinesia
- Profs.JM Friedman, JG Hall and S.Langlois, University of British Columbia
- Prof. N. Dahan-Oliel, Shriners Hospitals for Children-Canada
- Prof. Dr. J.I.P. de Vries , Prenatal Arthrogryposis expert centre, Amsterdam/UMC
Ongoing Research Projects
- Congenital malformations and developmental disorders
- Gene identification using novel genomic technologies
- Introduction of genomic technologies into clinical practice
- Fetal disorders and malformation syndromes
- Phenotype-genotype correlations and evolving phenotypes in fetal anomalies
- The implication of KIF4A in hydrocephalus and intellectual disability
- Phenotype-genotype correlations and the natural history of (prenatal) arthrogryposis
- predispositions to recurrent aneuploid miscarriages