Christian Meier

Prof. Dr. med.
Christian Meier

Senior Physician Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism
Head "Osteologisches Universitätsforschungszentrum DVO" Basel

University Hospital Basel

Phone +41 61 265 50 78



Research Focus

Endocrinology, Metabolism & Developmental Disorders

Area of Research

Various aspects of bone and mineral metabolism, specifically pathophysiological aspects of male osteoporosis and diabetic bone disease.

Approved Research Projects

  • Research Grant SVGO for the research project: “Swiss National Fracture Liaison Service”(N. Suhm, S. Schreiner. M. Kraenzlin, C. Meier; 2014)
  • Unconditional Research Grant from Eli Lilly SA the research project: “SVGO Fracture Liaison Implementation Project” (N. Suhm, C. Meier, O. Lamy, S. Ferrari; 2015)
  • Research Grant SGED/SSED for the research project: “DiabOS-Microarchitecture, bone strength and fracture risk in type 2 diabetes” (C. Meier, M. Kraenzlin, R. Krapf; 2014)
  • Research Grant, Wissenschaftspool Medizin, Univ.Spital Basel for the research project: “DiabOSMicroarchitecture, bone strength and fracture risk in type 2 diabetes” (C. Meier, M. Kraenzlin, R. Krapf; 2014)
  • Research Grant, Stiftung Diabetesgesellschaft Region Basel for the research project: “DiabOSMicroarchitecture, bone strength and fracture risk in type 2 diabetes” (C. Meier, M. Kraenzlin, R. Krapf; 2014)
  • Research Grant, Swiss National Science Foundation for the research project: “DiabOS-Microarchitecture, bone strength and fracture risk in type 2 diabetes” (C. Meier et al, 2016-2019) 9/27/2018 4
  • Research Grant, Foundation for Research on Osteoporosis, Lausanne for the research project: “Advanced Glycation Endproducts, Bone Structure and Fracture Risk in Type 2 Diabetes (the DiabOS-AGE Study)” (C. Meier, M. Kraenzlin, P. Garnero; 2016)
  • Unconditional Research Grant from Roche Diagnostics, Rotkreuz for the research project: “DiabOSBiomarker Study” (C. Meier et al, 2017-2020)
  • Unconditional Research Grant from Roche Diagnostics, Rotkreuz for the research project: “EVA Study, Evaluation of bone markers in type 2 diabetes” (C. Meier et al, 2017)


    National Collaborations
    - Prof. Dr. Christoph R. Meier, Basel Pharmacoepidemiology Unit, Division of Clinical Pharmacy and Epidemiology, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Basel
    - Prof. Dr. med. Nicolas von der Weid, Department of Pediatric Oncology and Hematology University Children’s Hospital Basel (UKBB)
    - Prof. Dr. Philippe Zysset, Institute for Surgical Technology and Biomechanics, University Hospital Bern and Prof. Dr. Kurt Lippuner, Department of Osteoporosis, University Hospital, University of Bern
    - Prof. Dr. med. Serge Ferrari, Service des Maladies Osseuses, University Hospital Geneva

    International Collaborations
    - Prof. Claus C. Glüer, Sektion Biomedizinische Bildgebung, Klinik für Radiologie und Neuroradiologie, Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Kiel, Germany

    Ongoing Research Projects

    • Swiss National Fracture Liaison Service Suhm, Schreiner, Kraenzlin, Meier 2014/2016
    • SURfit: Effects of a 1-year partially supervised exercise program in childhood cancer survivors – a randomized controlled trial; Von der Weid, Kriemler, Schindera, Meier, et al. 2015
    • DiabOS: Microarchitecture, bone strength and fracture risk in type 2 diabetes (SNF 320030_169407) Meier, Kraenzlin, Krapf, et al. 2016
    • DiabOS-AGE: Advanced glycation endproducts, bone structure and fracture risk in type 2 diabetes Meier, Garnero, Kraenzlin, et al. 2016
    • Biomarker EVA-Study Meier, Bivet, Ferrari, Kraenzlin et al 2017
    • Fracture risk in T2DM in association with severity and duration of disease Vavanikunnel, Meier, Jick, Meier 2016
    • BOLD-1: Microarchitecture and bone strength in longstanding type 1 diabetes Sewing, Lippuner, Zysset, Meier 2018 Treatment with zoledronic acid subsequent to denosumab in osteoporosis: A randomized open label interventional study Ferrari, Lippuner, Meier 2018

    Research Team

    Dr. med. Lilian Sewing

    Research Fellow (MD)

    Phone +41 61 264 97 97


    Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Christian Kasperk

    Research Fellow

    Phone +41 44 387 70 30

    Prof. Dr. med. Marius Kraenzlin


    Phone +41 61 264 97 97


    Irene Handloser

    Study Nurse

    Phone +41 61 264 97 97
