Prof. Dr. med.
Philippe Lyrer
Senior Physician, Deputy Chief of Department Neurology, Head of Stroke Centre
University Hospital Basel
+41 61 328 61 60
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Research Group Philippe Lyrer
Research Focus
Area of Research
Clinical stroke research. Carotid and vertebral artery dissection. Genetics in stroke. Thrombolysis and thrombectomy (coagulation inhibition) in acute stroke, evidence-based therapy. Non-vitamin K antagonists and stroke, cerebral hemorrhage, stroke in the elderly, neurorehabilitation after stroke
Approved Research Projects
- TREAT-CAD (PI) “ Biomarkers and Antithrombotic Treatment in Cervical Artery Dissection“ (TREAT-CAD), Co-applicant
- ESTREL( local PI) “Enhancement of Stroke Rehabilitation With Levodopa (ESTREL)”, Co-applicant
- TICH-NOAC (Co-Chair) Treatment of Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Patients on Non-vitamin K Antagonist (TICH-NOAC), Sponsor Investigator
- TELESTROKE (Chair) Telemedical onsite identification of stroke victims: Stiftung propatient USB, Principal Investigator
- Metabolic Mechanisms of cerebral small vessel disease, Lab Project, Principal Investigator
- MAAESTRO “Electronic monitoring and improvement of adherence to direct oral anticoagulant treatment – a randomised crossover study of an educational and reminderbased intervention in ischaemic stroke patients under polypharmacy, Principal Investigator
Investigator-initiated Research Initiatives (European Research Consortia)
- Cervical Artery Dissection in Ischemic Stroke Patients (CADISP), Founding member, Investigator
- Thrombolysis in Ischemic Stroke Patients (TRISP), Investigator
- Novel Oral AntiCoagulants in Stroke Patients (NOACISP), Sponsor Investigator
National Collaborations
- TICH-NOAC (planned to be extended to GB and DK)
International Collaborations
- ECST-2
- CADISP (Cervical artery dissection in stroke patients)
- GLORIA – AF (submitted database analysis and publications)
Ongoing Research Projects
- TICH-NOAC: Treatment of cerebral haemorrhage due to NOAC-intake with tranexamid acid, a RCT: accomplishing the goal 109 randomized patients
- “Enhancement of Stroke Rehabilitation With Levodopa (ESTREL)”
- Databank cleaning, adjudication of outcome events “ Biomarkers and Antithrombotic Treatment in Cervical Artery Dissection“ (TREAT-CAD)
- “New Oral Anticoagulants in Stroke Patients” (NOACISP) – acute register and follow –up, completion of follow-up for 1000 patients
- TELESTROKE: expansion to clinical application
- ECST-2 The 2nd European Carotid Surgery Trial, sub-Investigator, Steering Committee Member, Adjudicator
- OPTIMIZE: Prospective non-interventional study for the optimized treatment of refractory hypercholesterolemia in patients with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia or clinically apparent atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease with alirocumab (Praluent®)
- ACTIMIS: randomized, double blind, multicenter, multinational, placebo controlled, single parallel escalating dose safety and efficacy study of act017 used as an add-on therapy on top of standard of care, in the 4.5 hrs post onset of acute ischemic stroke symptoms.
- Administrative and regulatory support of research projects for members of the stroke team (Twist, TRISP, ACST2, Precise-MRI, ELAN)
Research Team
Dr. med. Christopher Tränka
Medical Network advisor ESTREL; TREAT-CAD
Phone +41 61 328 64 02