Empirical investigation of recruitment patterns and recruitment prediction in clinical trials
The objectives of this line of projects are to empirically investigate recruitment patterns from about 300 completed or discontinued clinical trials conducted in different countries and settings; to determine optimal time points and criteria for the assessment of recruitment progress in trials; and to develop recruitment prediction tools that are easily applicable for clinical researchers.
Basel research team
Benjamin Kasenda, Andreas Schmitt, Constantin Sluka, Benjamin Speich, Lars Hemkens, Viktoria Gloy, Schandelmaier S, Matthias Briel
- Kasenda B, Liu J, Jiang Y, Gajewski B, Wu C, von Elm E, Schandelmaier S, Moffa G, Trelle S, Schmitt AM, Herbrand AK, Gloy V, Speich B, Hopewell S, Hemkens LG, Sluka C, McGill C, Meade M, Cook D, Lamontagne F, Tréluyer JM, Haidich AB, Ioannidis J, Treewek S, Briel M. Prediction of RECRUITment In randomized clinical Trials (RECRUIT-IT) – rationale and design for an international collaborative study. (under review)