Neueste Publikationen
FG Jens Kuhle: Oechtering J, et al., Aberrant Complement Activation Is Associated With Structural Brain Damage in Multiple Sclerosis.
FG Philipp Sterzer: Weilnhammer V, et al., N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor hypofunction causes recurrent and transient failures of perceptual inference.
FG Christine Bernsmeier: Geng A, et al., Circulating monocytes upregulate CD52 and sustain innate immune function in cirrhosis unless acute decompensation emerges.
FG Marios Psychogios: Anastasiou A, et al., Rescue therapy after failed thrombectomy in medium/distal vessel occlusions: A retrospective analysis of an international, multi-center registry.
FG Marcus D'Souza: Mallucci G, et al., Neurostatus-SMARTCARE clinical trial: Enabling health care professionals to assess EDSS for decentralized trials in multiple sclerosis.
ab 24. Februar 2025, online
PhD Success Lab™ – a 12 week digital mentoring program
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Real World Evidence 1: Routinely collected data for clinical research
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Real World Evidence 2: Pragmatic trials - study designs for real-world decision-making
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