Science Month 2025

26 March 2025

Wissenschaftsmonat 2025

A record 210 master students in Medicine took part in this year's "Wissenschaftsmonat" where they got trained on the practical application of scientific tool knowledge by means of a fictitious participation in a scientific congress. At the end of the 3-week interactive sessions best abstract presenters were awarded, sponsored by the science publisher Karger.

Risk-based study management

3 March 2025

Clinical study management: identifying risks and avoiding problems

Conducting clinical studies is complex. Successful study management depends on many factors, and unexpected problems can jeopardise an entire research project. However, most risks can be anticipated and addressed early on. The concept of risk-based study management is based on this idea.

DISTAL study

6 February 2025

Catheter therapy for stroke caused by occlusion of smaller vessels shows no benefit

Endovascular catheter therapy for treating stroke has been shown to improve outcomes for patients with large vessel occlusions. However, a benefit could not be demonstrated when the stroke was caused by the occlusion of a medium or small vessel. This is the main result of the DISTAL study recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Komplementaktivierung bei MS

17 January 2025

Complement activation and structural brain damage in multiple sclerosis

A recent study by the DKF research group of Prof. Jens Kuhle in collaboration with Prof. Jan Lünemann from the University of Münster under the first authorship of Dr. Johanna Oechtering investigated the role of complement activation in multiple sclerosis (MS) and its association with structural brain damage.


7 November 2025

Persistent lymph node involvement in breast cancer after chemotherapy: surgical removal is not always indicated

Affected lymph nodes in the armpit are usually the first sign that a breat cancer disease has spread. Many patients therefore receive chemotherapy before surgery. If this does not eliminate the lymph node involvement, the answer often is a large-scale excision of the armpit. A new study investigated whether this radical surgical procedure is really necessary if only isolated tumor cells are still detectable in the armpit lymph nodes.

Logo SwissPednet

4 November 2024

How good is the quality and accessibility of routine data for research?

In routine healthcare every day large amounts of data are generated which could be a valuable basis for research projects if access, quality and exchange between institutions are ensured. The potential for data research is particularly great in pediatrics, where the conditions for clinical research are especially challenging. A SwissPedNet project has now evaluated the quality and usability of health data in 9 Swiss children's hospitals.

Brain scan

24 October 2024

Blood markers sGFAP and sNfL as biomarkers for disease activity in multiple sclerosis

New biomarkers in the blood enable more accurate prediction and detection of the progression of multiple sclerosis. A recent study shows that serum concentrations of glial fibrillary acidic protein (sGFAP) and neurofilament light chain (sNfL) reflect different disease mechanisms and could therefore enable more targeted therapies.

[Translate to English:] TwiCs

1 October 2024

Trials within cohorts (TwiCs): A new type of study design

Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) are considered the gold standard in clinical research. However, they are often associated with high expenses and a complex recruitment process. Moreover, their findings are only partially applicable to everyday clinical practice. Many of these challenges can be overcome with a new study methodology approach.


23. September 2024

ECTRIMS 2024: 40th anniversary with major DKF participation

The world's largest congress for the research and treatment of multiple sclerosis "ECTRIMS" is celebrating its 40th anniversary. Researchers from the Department of Clinical Research were on site with numerous contributions, academic presentations and poster sessions.

International project management of clinical studies

2 September 2024

Internationale project management: creativity according to plan

The effort involved in clinical trials with international participation should not be underestimated. Well-organised project management makes it possible to efficiently run study centres abroad and thus successfully conduct research across national borders.

IICT winners from Basel 2024, LIPS study, RELIEF study

1. July 2024

SNF funding program "IICTs": Two more successful projects from Basel

The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) is awarding a total of 6 projects in its funding program for academic clinical studies this year. Two of them come from Basel. One study is dedicated to the fight the dangerous bacterium Staphylococcus aureus, another to the prevention of chronic lung disease in premature babies.

INPUT: DKF survey of study participants on behalf of the FOPH

2 June 2024

"Your experience counts!"

The INPUT project is the first to shed light on the views and expectations of study participants in Switzerland. The online survey developed by the DKF on behalf of the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) is now being launched.

Otto Naegeli-Preis für Mirjam Christ-Crain

15 May 2024

Mirjam Christ-Crain receives the Otto Naegeli Prize for Medical Research

This year’s Otto Naegeli Prize for Medical Research goes to Basel researcher Professor Mirjam Christ-Crain. The award, which is endowed with CHF 200,000, is considered one of Switzerland’s most important scientific prizes and enjoys high international recognition.

DKF Study Nurses

6 May 2024

Flexible specialist staff: the DKF helps out with qualified study nurses

Conducting a clinical trial is labor-intensive. Well-trained and experienced staff is a prerequisite for smooth and efficient processes during this phase. On request, the DKF supports study teams with qualified study nurses.

NoDoubt Studie

8 April 2024

«Rich feedback and high motivation» - experience report on patient involvement

Patient representatives were engaged in the planning of the NoDoubt trial. The researchers collected their input on the study design, the endpoints and the recruitment strategy. This collaboration was a rewarding experience for both sides.

Health economics

4 March 2024

Clinical research with integrated health economics

Health economics should provide evidence for the efficient and sustainable design and development of healthcare.

SKIP study long-term results

19 February 2024

The challenge of smoking cessation

Long-term results of a randomised study show that the appetite suppressant dulaglutide can reduce weight gain during smoking cessation. However, the treatment duration of twelve weeks was too short to achieve a lasting effect.

Abschluss Patientenkurs

4 December 2023

First course on patient involvement in clinical research

The training programme has been developed by the DKF team Training & Education together with EUPATI CH. Twenty-three graduates completed the eight-month training course at the University Hospital Basel last week.

Dulaglutide and alcohol consumption

28 November 2023

A potential therapeutic approach for addictive disorders

Dulaglutide known as an appetite suppressant causes healthy people to consume less alcohol. This finding may indicate that GLP-1 analogs act on the reward system and could be used in the treatment of addictions.

Vasopressin deficit

16 November 2023

Harmless or hormonal disorder?

An international study led by research group leaders Mirjam Christ-Crain and Julie Refardt shows which test leads to a reliable diagnosis when drinking by the liter becomes a medical issue.

FAIR principles

1 November 2023

Open Access to research data

The Data Access Committee of the Faculty of Medicine (MF-DAC) supports research groups in the publication and release of sensitive research data.

Tamoxifen in Duchenne muscular dystrophy

23 October 2023

Tamoxifen shows no efficiency in Duchenne muscular dystrophy

A large phase III trial led by the research group of Dirk Fischer unfortunately failed to confirm promising preclinical study results. Another disappointed hope for patients.

New DKF management

1 October 2023

Change in the management of the Department of Clinical Research

After almost ten years in office, Mirjam Christ-Crain, Deputy Chief Physician Endocrinology at the University Hospital Basel (USB), is resigning from her position as Director of the DKF. She will be succeeded by Niklaus Labhardt, Chief Physician Clinical Epidemiology at the USB.

dreaMS app on a smartphone, smartwatch, logo

4 September 2023

dreaMS app: Digital biomarkers in multiple sclerosis

The "dreaMS" project is investigating the use of the smartphone app of the same name for monitoring the progress of multiple sclerosis and managing treatment. The app allows the measurement of various physical and cognitive functions. Read more about the current stage of this innovative project.


19 July 2023

Tailored surgical procedure yields comparable findings

Results of a subproject of the large-scale breast cancer study "TAXIS" show that radical removal of axillary lymph nodes is not decisive for the choice of systemic therapy. The goal of this surgical procedure is, among other things, to assess the spread of the tumor, however, it is known to be associated with significant side effects.

NCCR Antiresist

3 July 2023

NCCR AntiResist: From bed to benchsite

In the first phase of this national research focus on antibiotic resistance, clinical material and data from hospitalised patients with certain bacterial infections are being collected and made available for research. They present an important part of the foundation on which the search for new ways of fighting infections will be built.

IICT Winner 2023

27 June 2023

SNF IICT Call 2023: Three studies from the USB receive funding

The DKF research groups of Mirjam Christ-Crain, Jehuda Soleman and Ivan Martin have each been awarded an Investigator-Initiated Clinical Trial (IICT) grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). This year, a total of seven studies recieve this funding.

DKF Inspection Insurance

1 June 2023

Inspection insurance: Minimising risks for additional costs

Clinical studies of categories B and C can now be insured at the DKF for Swissmedic inspections.

Spitalstrasse 8/12 Basel

30 May 2023

We are moving to Spitalstrasse 8/12

From 1 June 2023, you will find all DKF teams at one address. The Outpatient Study Centre (ASZ) will remain at its usual location in Bettenhaus 3.

Course for patients

4 May 2023

New Swiss course for patient involvement in clinical research

Together with EUPATI Switzerland, the Department of Clinical Research has developed a course for patients and their representatives that aims to introduce participants to patientoriented research and motivate them to take part in shaping new research projects.

Centralized monitoring in clinical trials

3 May 2023

How Centralized Data Monitoring works

The DISTAL study performed by the DKF research group of Marios Psychogios shows how database-supported monitoring can be used in practice.

Key Point Plan IICT Call

3 April 2023

Submit now for the IICT Call

For the ninth time, the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) invites applications for the special programme "Investigator Initiated Clinical Trials (IICT)". This programme supports randomised clinical trials that are of importance to patients because they represent an unmet medical need and are not in the focus of industry.

SKIP study

22 February 2023

New approach to support successful smoking cessation

Results from a large randomised trial show that the appetite inhibitor dulaglutide can reduce weight gain after smoking cessation. This is good news for anyone who wants to quit smoking.

Remdesivir study

22 February 2023

Remdesivir: Evidence on its benefit from global COVID-19 trials

Remdesivir was the first approved drug against COVID-19. It is still in use today despite the fact that several large randomised trials did not deliver full clarity on its benefits in all patient groups. The research group led by Matthias Briel now presents a paper in the journal The Lancet Respiratory Medicine that analyses combined data from existing trials.

Multiple Sclerosis Jens Kuhle

6 February 2023

Early detection of disease progression in multiple sclerosis

Biomarkers for the personalised and early detection of a possible progression of multiple sclerosis are setting new standards for the treatment of affected patients. Jens Kuhle's research group is providing further groundbreaking insights in this field.

Weed Care

1 February 2023

Research as a basis for political decisions

The results of the WEED-CARE study will provide a sound basis for discussion on the legal regulation of cannabis dispensing in Switzerland. The DKF accompanies the study scientifically and takes over important operational activities.

DAS Clinical Trial and Practice Management

1 December 2022

Bridging theory and practice

Six students have recently successfully completed the university course DAS in Clinical Trial Practice and Management at DKF with the presentation of their practically oriented thesis and a board examination.


News archive

N. Labhardt

1 November 2022

"Research with significance", "Relevance to clinical practice", "Change and impact as a goal" - these are guiding principles with which Niklaus Labhardt describes his vision for the tasks newly entrusted to him at the University of Basel and the University Hospital Basel.

Biomarker Lab

31 October 2022

For the third time in a row, Jens Kuhle, Head of Multiple Sclerosis Centre at the University Hospital Basel and DKF/DBM research group leader, is awarded an SNF project grant for the development of biomarkers for the detection and prognosis of disease activity in multiple sclerosis (MS) on a personalised level.

PPI Video Screenshot

3 October 2022

Applications for the Investigator-initiated Trials (IICT) funding program must include a plan for the active involvement of patients throughout the study. Project applications such as that for the EMINENT-ICH study are now supported with a "Preparatory Grant".


30 September 2022

A comprehensive Lancet Commission publication, co-authored by research group leader Prof. Daiana Stolz, presents core strategies for preventing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and combating it worldwide.

ischaemic brain stroke

20. September 2022

A large international observational study provides convincing evidence that an early start with the administration of direct oral anticoagulants makes sense

Pituitary Gland

15 September 2022

Diabetes insipidus from a patient's perspective

For the first time, a large-scale, international patient survey provides important insights into the diagnosis and treatment as well as treatment-related side effects and psychological concomitant diseases of this rare neuroendocrine disease


1 September 2022

The DKF actively participates in the Data Stewardship Program of the University of Basel. This initiative promotes sustainable ways of collecting, using and sharing of data as well as the establishemnt of efficient data management planning. The DKF contributes its unique experience in handling sensitive personal data.


19 July 2022

Human research is more than classic clinical trials can cover. A new DKF training explains the different legal requirements for the numerous types of possible research projects.



24 June 2022

Congratulations to the DKF research groups led by PD Dr. Elisabeth Kappos and PD Dr. Özgür Yaldizli. The Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF has awarded two of the prestigious Investigator-initiated Clinical Trials (IICT) grants to the Basel researchers. The two projects are convincing, among other things, due to their innovative study design and exemplary inclusion of patients in the project planning.


1 June 2022

Using the recruitment of study participants as an example, the DKF research group of Matthias Briel shows how results from meta-research can be used in practical study planning.

Meta-research is a competence focus at DKF. This discipline strives for evidence-based improvement of research and subsequently of health care.

Ivana & Sina

2 May 2022

The IRASPEN registry is to provide answers to a special form of psoriasis that has hardly been researched to date. The DKF supports the coordination of the international data collection.

Over a period of 5 years, Alexander Navarini's research group, together with 14 other centres in ten countries, will investigate the clinical course and response to already established treatments of "psoriasis pustulosa".

Icons Banner 2

25 May 2022

Study teams with a small budget can also benefit from the support offered by DKF Scientific Services.

In order to be able to support all research groups efficiently, a number of free- of-charge offers are available thanks to financial grants from the Medical Faculty Basel and, to some extend, via job transfers from the University Hospital Basel. In addition, the possibilities for low-threshold assistance have recently been greatly expanded.

swissaf video vimeo

4 April 2022

Silent cerebral infarcts are associated with impaired cognitive function

Prof. Michael Kühne, Head of the Atrial Fibrillation Clinic at the USB, and Michael Coslovsky (DKF) explain the study in a video.

kuhle, benkert

1 March 2022

The blood marker "neurofilament light chain" can significantly improve therapy decisions in multiple sclerosis.

Prof. Jens Kuhle, head of the Basel MS Center, and Pascal Benkert of DKF explain the relevance of their recently published study in "The Lancet Neurology" in an interview.

Annemarie Karrasch Award 2022

15 February 2022

Prof. Viola Heizelmann-Schwarz is awarded by the propatient foundation for her multicenter MATAO study in advanced ovarian cancer.

The foundation particularly honors research and innovation projects that can demonstrate a high direct benefit for affected patients.


2 February 2022

White Paper

29 November 2021

Staphylococcus Aureus

1 November 2021

Paris, Pauli-Magnus

2 November 2021


5 October 2021

Study Center Tanzania

1 September 2021

Brain CT

13 July 2021

Niels Schärer & Daniel

5 July 2021

Banner knowledge pool

24 June 2021


31 May 2021

ECRIN Certificate

15 March 2021


3 May 2021, update 26 May 2021

Graphic study registration

10 March 2021

Since the introduction of mandatory registration, the rate of reported prospective studies and the quality of study information has been steadily increasing.

The new figures on clinical research activity at the University Hospital Basel.